Healthy Lifestyles For Women Who Want it All
Flourishing at Home and in Leadership While Honoring Their Changing bodies

Your first week is complete, Congratulations! By now you must be feeling some differences in your energy and how you are feeling. Clean just feels so good. Now that you have done the initial cleanse the following weeks will be a breeze. The key to the next twelve weeks will be to stay consistent. It will set in now that this is your new way of eating for life essentially. You will start to encounter different challenges now, like how to still eat the foods you enjoy without over indulging and how to be the boss of you when you are at parties and work events. It will get easier and easier the more creative you get. You will start to develop signature meals and snacks hat you love and that everyone else will be gawking at. Trust me on this one. If you are doing this right , everyone is going to want what you have! Here is the food breakdown for the following weeks.
Day 1 - Liquid Fast & Spiritual Fast
Natural Whey Protein Isolate or Hemp Protein
Natural fresh pressed Juice
Blended Fruit/Veggie Smoothie & Soups
*Note: This will be one day per week moving forward. The day can change. Choose wisely and prefferably on one of your rest days. Be sure to get your journal out and start reading, praying & writing especially on these days.
Day 2 – 6 Fruit & Vegetables
Fresh Raw Fruit Vegetables
Some Cooked Fruit & Vegetables
Chicken Breast, Turkey, Breast, Fish
Nuts/Seeds, Nut Butters
Juice, Water, Tea, Soups
Brown Rice, Quinoa & Sweet Potato
Day 7 Keep it Real.
Let's keep this real. I know you are not going to abstain from your favorite foods for the rest of your life. If you are going to cheat a little, today is the day. What this means is you eat primarily clean for most of the day, but if you want to have something that is not on your now regular list of clean eating foods, go for it. In your indulgence, still try to keep it natural if at all possible. If you want Ice Cream for your treat, get a brand with pure ingredeints rather than the chemicals. What this "Keep it Real" day doesn't mean is tha you gorge yourself with every single food you are missing. Soon you won't miss it all so this won't be an issue. In the beginning it still is, while you are retraining your pallette. Try to limit your indulgences to one Beverage, one Meal and or one Dessert, whether it is spread through the day or at just one meal. 1 lb of fat = 3500 Calories so keep that in mind when you are tempted to be excessive rather than realistic about your meals today. Try to plan these days around your social activities. Also, If you don't feel like indulging, don't feel guilty, you might be a little more in tune with what your body really needs, so by all means if you don't want to indulge, don't. It will only get you to your goals that much faster and keep your cells uber happy.
Last week we focussed on cleansing, and we will do more of that next week. THIS WEEK though, I know is going to be a week of adjustment and endurance. You are now adding a much heavier physical fitness component to the program. In order to set you up for success, this week we need to focus on endurance. This is the time if you want to kick and scream on the floor you can...of course just as long as it is after your workout for the day is complete ; ). That was a joke. What is true, is that you might actually feel like that a bit as you begin to sort out when you can fit in your workout. Know that you might have an adjustment period. You might not leave enought time for your full workout unknowingly, or not account for the time it really takes to prep your food, but don't worry this is a learning process especially if you are new to this. Even if this is old had and have been out of the game for a while it might take some readjusting. With that in mind continue in your prowess because you will not be surrenduring anytime ever. This week I would like you to grab your journal and create a schedule for yourself. Schedule your trip to the grocery store, schedule when you will cook your meals and schedule what days and times you will be doing your workouts and even schedule your "keep it real days" along with your fasting days paying special attention to what your fasting prayer will be for the week. You will do this for each week, for now let's start with only week 2.
“I love the person I have become, because I have fought to become her.”
― Kaci Dianne
"Those who hope on the lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
One definition - The power to withstand pain or hardship; the ability to continue despite fatigue, stess or other adverse conditions.
Last week you really pushed out those toxins, this week you will be sweating out even more!!! Download your first week of fitness below. As mentioned, you are now adding a much heavier physical component to the program. You will have 3 additional days of High Intensity Interval Training which will be a bit of a shock to the system, but not as much of a shock of the results you are going to gain. You are about to begin the shedding process and it is going to feel AMAZING. It is like nothing I can describe. You will be salty, tired and sore, yet you will quickly become addicted to that euphoric post workout, naturally occuring wonderwoman feeling. I am so ready for you to conquer week two of your 12 Weeks to Boss Workouts! Download this weeks progam below. Modify as needed. You know if you really need a modification or if you are just being lazy. Modify with integrity even though I am not in the room with you.