Healthy Lifestyles For Women Who Want it All
Flourishing at Home and in Leadership While Honoring Their Changing bodies
No more
Crying in the bathroom
Mommy guilt
Executive guilt
Tight Clothes
Time trap
Negative Self Talk
Toxic Food Relationships
Constant Stress
No Plan
Self Sabotage
Join me for a 12 week exclusive experience where I help busy professional women, like you, show up as the mom they are proud to be, lose the baby weight & honor their bodies without judgement or confusion.
Doors Close May 1st
Together we will discover your
If you are ready for a NO excuse, NO nonsense,
fun loving, thriving energized lifestyle, Schedule a FREE coaching call with me and see if we're a great fit for each other.
Laugh with your children
Permission for Self Care
Productive Boundaries
Catwalk Closet
Energy & Joy
Time Optimization
Food as it was Intended
Faith & Calm
Clear Plan
Angela, Corporate Executive, wife, and mom of 3 young children & Program Participant shares her experiece of transformed relationship with the scale, physical strength and her wholisitc lifestyle shift.
-Lost her baby pouch
-Maintains goal weight
-Healthy mindset shift
-Gained strength
- Now works together 1 on 1
Mirsa, executive, wife, avid Sailor & Program Participant gives you the skinny on what she thinks about starting her day off training together for the first of many wins of the day, her evolved self awareness and wholistic habits .
- Reached push up goal
- Down 9% bodyfat
- Optimized nutrition
-Now works together 1 on 1
Debbie, Corporate Leader, wife, mom of 2 college age children & resilient overcomer of chronic pain shares her experience working with Christine. Her advice is to "Go for it".
-Maintains goal weight
-Decreased Arthritic Pain
-Increased mobility
- Work life balance
-Now works together 1 on 1

Based upon your assessment and your specific goals, we'll design the perfect custom program for you. This integrated plan will be exactly right for you and deliver RESULTS ....
Built Strong Cardio and Strength programs
Live and on-demand workouts with our coaches
Live group workouts
Heart rate based
Fun and designed for all fitness levels
On demand library
Our fun to use fitness technology saves you time by showing you exactly what you need to do while always tracking your progress.
Heart rate wearable and integrated fitness app.
Smart body fat scale to track your fat loss progress.
Your coach will see your progress and provide direct feedback.
Engage with other women with a growth mindset.

We know you've got a demanding lifestyle, but stress is holding you back at work and with your most important relationships. Our science based mindfulness stress management will give you the knowledge and tools to turn your stress into an advantage.
Education and guided workbook assignments & strategies
Healthy Mindset Coaching & a keep it real mentality
Better sleep, more motivation, self love and happiness
Proven performance improvements
We know you've tried many programs. We know you're busy and don't always have the time. Our Naked Truth program will give you the strategies and the time hacks to fuel your body for maximum energy and cognitive power.Based upon your assessment and your specific goals, we'll design the perfect custom program for you. This integrated plan will be exactly right for you and deliver RESULTS ....
Anti-diet. Consistently good vs occasionally perfect.
Sensible nutrition strategy - does not overly restrict you or force you to give up the foods you love.
Portion Guide, huger guide, shopping lists, eating out guides, amazing recipes, much more

We'll be with you every step of the way to guide and inspire you to reach your transformation goals.
To us and our community you become a part of the family.
We'll understand your goals and make sure you have the program and strategies that are right for YOU!
With our App, we'll monitor your progress and give you real feedback and motivation.
The science based Built Strong Path is a circle of progression and gains. Every peak phase brings you right back to a build phase. Our genius is in our program design. We use the concepts of consistency, frequency, and intensity to unlock your inner athlete. Enhance and balance hormones, build muscle, lose body fat, increase power, productivity, and energy. Win at the game of fitness. Because a win here, is a win everywhere.

Over 20 years experience delivering results to high performing women and coed corporate teams.
The most unique personal coaching experience available
Time saving premiere fitness tech
Exclusive, by invitation only
Book a call, let's chat and see if we're a good fit.
1 on 1 | Group Training | Corporate Solutions
21 Day | 12 Week | Monthly Options

Fine Details
What to Expect
Welcome Call
1 - 30 minute introductory call to get acquainted with each other, your goals and challenges you personally hope to break through throughout the program so that I can understand your unique situation..
15 Minute 1:1 Coaching Calls
Take advantage of personal accountability coaching calls throughout the program during “Coach Office Hours” to strategies through any personal challenges or needed optimizations.
Weekly Personalized Accountability & Insight Coaching Messages
You will get individualized additional coaching throughout the week based on your physical activity, heart rate, bluetooth body comp, personal habits & hassle free nutrition log all through the free program app.
1 Weekly Live Zoom Group Coaching Calls 60 MIN.
You will enjoy a total of 12 group coaching calls held on zoom where we get together with all enrolled in the program to cover a different lesson each week. A place to share, uplift, learn & grow together with others who have this heart centered mission in common. *Available for replay if you can’t make it live.
Unlimited text & community coaching
You will have access to ask questions and spark up nourishing conversations within the facebook community as well as directly to your coach via the private coaching wall within the free program app.
Peer Partner accountability
We will connect you with another participant within the program for another layer of accountability and connection for the experience.
1 Live 30-45 minute Group Workout Per Week.
Each week we will meet together for a fun live virtual workout specific to the program including interactive heart rate technology compatible with your free heart rate monitor.. *Available for replay if you can’t make it live.
12 Week workout plan for home or the gym
5 day week protocol min. including HIIT, Strength, Pilates & The De Souza Method.
Demonstrative Exercise Videos
Tutorial videos for individual exercises as well as follow along workouts.
Simple Nutrition Tools
Clean Eating Guide, Monthly Meal Plan options, Recipes, Shopping Guide & in app meal tracker that your coach can see and advise you on.
Personalized Supplement recommendations
Additional Free 30 minute 1 on 1 session to chat about supplements that may be helpful to your journey based on your personal health history.
You Module Change Agent Workbook
A digital copy of the accompanying retreat day workshop.
Boss Workbook Download Including 36+ Modules & 12 Lesson Plans with assignments.
A digital guide through the program taking you through the journey week, by week. Chapter teasers include Cleanse Sense, Assurance Schedule, Preparation & Execution, Sacred Surroundings, Fighting Strong Holds, Audible Awesomeness, Perfect Imperfection, Relationship Riches, Expand & Bloom, Passion & Play, Fervor Over Fear and finally Reflections & Illumination.
Video guided chapter exploration.
In addition to your live group coaching calls you have a video guided
Success Planner Templates
Printable planner pages for simplifying your journey.
Private Facebook Community Access
A place to connect with others in the program, share ideas, experiences and encouragement. It’s also a place of continued learning and inquiry.
1 Free ½ Day virtual retreat.
You get to join in on a FREE virtual event consisting of guest speakers, live workouts, giveaways and working through powerful pre-program mindset work, neuroscience and you. Free gift for early registration!
90 days Free live virtual class access.
For the duration of this program you will have full access to all live and on demand virtual fitness classes in addition to the already included program classes.
Free Heart Rate Monitor
Be able to track your heart rate in classes displayed along side other classmates for even more personalized class experience and targeted coaching.
Phase 1: In weeks 1-4 you work to prepare your body, mind, your schedule and your space to effectively implement the nutrition, faith, focus & exercise habits you are putting into practice.
Experience gentle bodily cleansing, understand intuitive eating and bring awareness to your personal habits & cyclic patterns.
Optimize your schedule to realize your goals & get rid of the excuses once and for all.
Have your own time and intentional space to get away for your personal health.
Build endurance and stamina as you begin moving your body modifying for your fitness level.
Phase 2: In weeks 5-8
Start to break strongholds, blocks and unserviing habits that you haven’t been able to get through alone.
Reprogram your brain and rewire your thinking to be able to achieve
your next level of breakthrough utilizing neuroscience techniques.
Begin to heal your relationship with food, family and yourself.
You can expect an increase in intensity for phase 2 of your workouts.
Phase 3: In this phase you get to explore the woman you have always known was inside. You will play, face fears and push your own limits to break through to your next level self.
Try some things you never thought you would enjoy.
Discover how to make movement forever feel like play.
Crank up your phase 3 intensity of your workouts and feel like a million bucks.
Learn how to eat naturally for your body.
Lose Weight
New recipe packs and meal plan ideas each month.
Personalize your meal prep or non meal prep plan for simple convenience.
Put an end to your yo yo dieting and fix your relationship with food.
Learn new ways to enjoy your favorite meals.
Feel more energized without relying on coffee
Build up physical strength & resilience.
Work out virtually live with the group and even get individualized motivation throughout.
Actually do the things that you’ve been promising yourself with accountability coaching
Create time for the things that are truly important to you, like your health without feeling guilty.
Prepare your environment for optimal results
Finally Break through your cyclic patterns that have kept you stuck in the yuck.
Learn to love and appreciate your body in the most unconventional ways.
Prioritize your relationships with others while you also prioritize yourself.
Rediscover your authentic self through re-establishing your core health values.
“I'm proud of what I have accomplished and I love the way I feel"
-Raisa Fabre